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Only safe is also healthy: 17th advanced training event on food hygiene and food safety in Bernburg.

Learn more Weiterbildungsveranstaltung zur Lebensmittelsicherheit

Quality assurance of food is close to our hearts.

Ensuring and checking the high European quality standards are permanent challenges for the food industry. Food hygiene, quality control and traceability place high demands on microbiological equipment of manufacturers and laboratories. I&L Biosystems has been offering a large portfolio of equipment for microbiological laboratories for more than 30 years: from versatile hygiene monitoring systems to efficient equipment for sample preparation and analysis to the aw-meter for shelf life monitoring, we provide the optimal solution for all food safety requirements. Convince yourself and visit us from 7 to 9 March at the 17th advanced training event on food hygiene and food safety in Bernburg. We look forward to your visit!