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Cedex® HiRes Analyzer
Image-based cell analyser and counter for fully automated testing of cell concentration, viability and morphological parameters such as cell diameter and cell density.
Gator® Pivot BLI system
The Gator® Pivot 16-channel BLI system is designed for intermediate-throughput analysis.
InvivO₂® 300 Hypoxia Workstation
The InvivO2 300 hypoxic workstation is perfect for working comfortably under optimal microaerophilic conditions for cell culture work and translational research.
JuLI™ Stage
The JuLI™ Stage sets a new benchmark for real-time live cell imaging. It enables seamless time-lapse imaging and real-time monitoring within a compact design that fits effortlessly into any standard…
SCI-tive Dual Asymmetric Physoxia Workstation
The laboratory workbench for in vitro conditions that simulate very well the physiological conditions in the tissue with regard to oxygen content, temperature and pH value.
SCI-tive Dual Symmetric Physoxia Workstation
This lab workbench creates in vitro conditions for a continuously stable physoxic or hypoxic cell culture environment to simulate physiological conditions in tissue.
SCI-tive Physoxia Workstation
SCI-tive workbenches are designed as a "lab in a box" to provide in vitro conditions for a continuously stable physoxic or hypoxic cell culture environment.