
WOLF® Cell Sorter – Gentle cell sorting through microfluidics

Whether you are focused on biopharma, genomics, or basic research, NanoCellect® delivers sterile, portable, intuitive solutions for gently sorting samples. The NanoCellect® WOLF®uses a patented, microfluidic-based technology with robust laser-detection and easy-to-use WOLFviewer software. This in combination with the N1 Single Cell Dispenser allows higher cell viability including the opportunity to use sorted cells for further experiments. Cell sorting made easy.

  • The small size of WOLF® makes your cell sorting flexible. It actually fits into a sterile hood.
  • Sterile cartridges containing all the microfluidics is a warranty for contamination free experiments.
  • The sample pressure of less than 2 psi makes the sorting most gentle.
  • The optional N1 Single Cell Dispenser can dispense your cells in 96- or 384-well plates.
  • Temperature-sensitive samples benefit from the optional Chiller-Stirrer, which keeps them at the desired temperature during the sorting process. In addition to the cooling mechanism, the CS1 Chiller-Stirrer can provide a stirring function for samples that settle quickly or aggregate.

Nanocellect Wolf Cell Sorter | Gentle microfluidic cell sorting

Nanocellect Wolf Cell Sorter | Gentle Cell Sorting | Product Video

Technical data



Dimensions (H x W x D) 36,3 x 38,8 x 38,4 cm
Weight 20 kg
Excitation 488 nm; 30 mW diode laser (rated at 45.000 h life)
Emission detection

3 colors:
525 ± 25 nm ( FITC, Calcein, GFP, Alexa 488)
585 ± 20 nm (PE, PI; Alexa 568)
665 nm Longpass (PE-Cy5/-Cy7, PerCP/Cy5.5, 7AAD)

Sorting pressure < 2 psi = 0,14 bar
Analysis speed > 5000 events/s
Sorting 1- and 2-way sorting, in tubes (1,5 and 5 mL) or plates (96- and 384-well)
Sample purity up to 99%





NC-170111 Calibration Beads
NC-150411 Cartridge single cell sort
NC-150410 Cartridge bulk sort
NC-170123 Rainbow Beads 8 peak



NC-13020 Chiller-Stirrer
Art.-Nr. N1 Pro Single Cell Dispenser




Technical Service

During our business hours, our free telephone support will be glad to assist you in case of any questions. Our Technicians take care of the delivery and installation of original spare parts of the highest quality as well as certified testing, measuring, and control equipment. Our maintenance according to manufacturer specifications includes functional tests, cleaning, accuracy testing with calibration as well as a detailed report. In addition, our maintenance contracts protect your investments and reduce the total cost of ownership.

Detailed information about our support options can be found here.

NanoCellect Biomedical Inc.
NanoCellect® Biomedical Inc.

NanoCellect was founded in 2009 as a spinout from UCSD and dedicated 6 years developing the foundation of the WOLF’s technology before introducing the WOLF to early adopters in 2016. The company’s mission is to facilitate breakthrough biomedical discoveries by making cell analysis and sorting technology more portable, affordable, and easier to use. Their microfluidic flow cytometry platforms enable biomedical scientists to analyze and sort cells required for drug discovery, single cell-omics, cloning, and basic research.

More about NanoCellect: https://nanocellect.com

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